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Produkt zum Begriff NFV:
Legrand NT4279C6A RJ45 CAT6A STP(NFV. NT4279/XS) 1
Datendose RJ45 geschirmt für das Schalterprogramm LIVINGLIGHT, Kategorie 6A STP, Anschlussart: werkzeuglos, 1-modulige Ausführung, Farbe: Tech
Preis: 21.77 € | Versand*: 6.90 € -
Legrand L4279C6 RJ45 CAT6 UTP (NFV. L4279/6) 1
Datendose RJ45 ungeschirmt für das Schalterprogramm LIVINGLIGHT, Kategorie 6 UTP, Anschlussart: werkzeuglos, 1-modulige Ausführung, Farbe: Anthrazit
Preis: 20.23 € | Versand*: 6.90 € -
Foundations of Modern Networking: SDN, NFV, QoE, IoT, and Cloud
Foundations of Modern Networking is a comprehensive, unified survey of modern networking technology and applications for today’s professionals, managers, and students. Dr. William Stallings offers clear and well-organized coverage of five key technologies that are transforming networks: Software-Defined Networks (SDN), Network Functions Virtualization (NFV), Quality of Experience (QoE), the Internet of Things (IoT), and cloudbased services. Dr. Stallings reviews current network ecosystems and the challenges they face–from Big Data and mobility to security and complexity. Next, he offers complete, self-contained coverage of each new set of technologies: how they work, how they are architected, and how they can be applied to solve real problems. Dr. Stallings presents a chapter-length analysis of emerging security issues in modern networks. He concludes with an up-to date discussion of networking careers, including important recent changes in roles and skill requirements. Coverage: Elements of the modern networking ecosystem: technologies, architecture, services, and applications Evolving requirements of current network environments SDN: concepts, rationale, applications, and standards across data, control, and application planes OpenFlow, OpenDaylight, and other key SDN technologies Network functions virtualization: concepts, technology, applications, and software defined infrastructure Ensuring customer Quality of Experience (QoE) with interactive video and multimedia network traffic Cloud networking: services, deployment models, architecture, and linkages to SDN and NFV IoT and fog computing in depth: key components of IoT-enabled devices, model architectures, and example implementations Securing SDN, NFV, cloud, and IoT environments Career preparation and ongoing education for tomorrow’s networking careers Key Features: Strong coverage of unifying principles and practical techniques More than a hundred figures that clarify key concepts Web support at QR codes throughout, linking to the website and other resources Keyword/acronym lists, recommended readings, and glossary Margin note definitions of key words throughout the text
Preis: 27.81 € | Versand*: 0 € -
SDN and NFV Simplified: A Visual Guide to Understanding Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization
A Visual Guide to Understanding Software Defined Networks and Network Function Virtualization The simple, visual, at-a-glance guide to SDN and NFV: Core concepts, business drivers, key technologies, and more! SDN (Software Defined Networks) and NFV (Network Function Virtualization) are today’s hottest areas of networking. Many executives, investors, sales professionals, and marketers need a solid working understanding of these technologies, but most books on the subject are written specifically for network engineers and other technical experts. SDN and NFV Simplified fills that gap, offering highly visual, “at-a-glance” explanations of SDN, NFV, and their underlying virtualizations. Built around an illustrated, story-telling approach, this answers the questions: Why does this technology matter? How does it work? Where is it used? What problems does it solve? Through easy, whiteboard-style infographics, you’ll learn: how virtualization enables SDN and NFV; how datacenters are virtualized through clouds; how networks can also be virtualized; and how to maximize security, visibility, and Quality of Experience in tomorrow’s fully-virtualized environments. Step by step, you’ll discover why SDN and NFV technologies are completely redefining both enterprise and carrier networks, and driving the most dramatic technology migration since IP networking. That’s not all: You’ll learn all you need to help lead this transformation. Learn how virtualization establishes the foundation for SDN and NFV Review the benefits of VMs, the role of hypervisors, and the management of virtual resources Discover how cloud technologies enable datacenter virtualization Understand the roles of networking gear in virtualized datacenters See VMWare VMotion and VXLAN at work in the virtualized datacenter Understand multitenancy and the challenges of “communal living” Learn how core network functions and appliances can be virtualized Ensure performance and scalability in virtualized networks Compare modern approaches to network virtualization, including OpenFlow, VMWare Nicera, Cisco Inseieme, and OpenStack Walk through the business case for SDN, NFV, and the Cloud Discover how the Software Defined Network (SDN) solves problems previously left unaddressed Understand SDN controllers–and who’s fighting to control your network Use SDN and NFV to improve integration and say goodbye to “truck rolls” Enforce security, avoid data leakage, and protect assets through encryption Provide for effective monitoring and consistent Quality of Experience (QoE) Learn how SDN and NFV will affect you–and what’s next
Preis: 18.18 € | Versand*: 0 €
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